Standing out from your Competition - Blog One

on Fri 1 Jul

Standing out from your Competition

Welcome to the first blog in a series that is pretty much a whistle-stop tour of what’s in my head when it comes to standing out from your competition. I will try to cram in as much as possible in the next five sessions.

My aim is that there will be at least two or three things that will jump out to YOU especially, and it might be that everyone takes away different things. 

But the first place to start when wanting to stand out from the competition is to understand it. 


Who are your competition?

I meet many clients who really want to make sure that they’re showcasing why they’re better than their competition but have actually never spent the time to look into who their competition is and what they’re up to.

Without this how can we determine how you differ? How you’re better? And spot any gaps that they’ve forgotten about that you know your clients and customers would be interested in?

So it might not be rocket science but that’s the first part of standing out from your competition – let’s start with who they are.


Let's get started

To start this, it's good to really map-out what YOUR business is, so that we make sure that the competition you identify is truly your competition. 

If you’re a therapist perhaps there’s an age group or particular issue that you’re passionate about helping

If you’re an architect is there an industry you’re most interested in?

If you help people with money perhaps this also relates to gender or age group?

So think about:

  • Your specialism
  • The demographics of your target customer (age, geography, gender)
  • The size of your team
  • Length of time your business has been trading

Start by capturing who your target audience is... and then those that provide your service to your target audience are your competition.


Now let’s go find them! 

Second blog in the series

Third blog in the series

Fourth blog in the series


I'm happy to contact you if you prefer - let me know how and when

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